Power Drill Foosball: How we did it

We’re big fans of a friendly game of foosball at lunch on the communal office table, but lately the game had become… well, boring. The epic matches that once lit up our entire kitchen with drama that even Hollywood couldn’t aspire to were a thing of the past, in their place were weak half-hearted games. Not willing to give up on Foosball all together and let it go the way of other office games (we’re looking at you table tennis!) we called upon our engineering roots to make some modifications and improvements… So, from the same guys who brought you Leaf Blower Billiards, Power Drill Foosball was born! Here’s how the sport – which we can only assume will soon be in the Olympics – was created:

The planning

We knew that modifying the table would be no walk in the park. Firstly, we had to calculate the measurements of the rods, choose the correct drill-bit with the right speed setting, to get it all to tick over nicely… or not so nicely as the case would be. We commandeered a meeting room and went all Beautiful Mind with the plans to do this. Inventing a new sport is thirsty work therefore being the problem solvers that we are, refreshments were interwoven into the modifications. We were operating on ask for forgiveness not permission mantra, so naturally we waited for the powers-that-be to leave for lunch before stealing borrowing the table and getting to work.

Where’s your tool?

Drill-bit size, shape and weight were all factors when choosing which drills to go for.

Field testing

Would the table withstand the rotations? Would the ball stay on the playing field? Would the drill-bits hold the rods? Which speed setting made for the best game? These were all questions that required answering.

Game time!

Once the table was ready and tested all that was left was to play some Power Drill Foosball. It’s not the quietest sport but we felt that Power Drill Foosball is not something that should be hidden away in the canteen, so instead it took pride of place in the centre of the office (sorry about your conference call Dave!). We also borrowed the boardroom’s 60’ flat screen to live stream our matches.